Telkomsat Launches TsatKu Band and Internal E-Commerce

  • August 15, 2020
Bogor - On Friday, August 14 2020, Telkomsat inaugurated the internal band, TsatKu Band and Internal E-Commerce The event, which was attended by BOD, Senior Leaders and Telkomsat employees. The event took place with enthusiasm from all employees who were outside the region, who could watch this event through live streaming Youtube and the application.

The event began with singing the song Indonesia Raya and continued with remarks by the CEO Telkomsat, In his remarks, he appreciated the interests and talents of Telkomsat employees and hoped that with the addition of band equipment facilities the company could hone the musical skills of employees and it was hoped that the concept of Well Balanced Life 4R - Spirit, Sports, Ratio & Sports could be implemented by all employees. so it is hoped that all can contribute maximally for the progress of the company.

CEO Telkomsat symbolically inaugurated an internal band called TsatKu Band and immediately contributed its first song which was then followed by the BOD and other Senior Leaders who also contributed several songs to enliven this event.

This event also introduced an internal E-Commerce application called The application is an e-commerce application that accommodates UMKM to develop their business and expand their sales targets through electronic commerce. This application has various categories, such as: groceries, food, fashion, etc.

At this moment, we hoped that Telkomsat will continue to grow into a dynamic, creative company filled with continuous innovation. Having human resources with various talented talents to bring Telkomsat to be the top 3 satellite companies in Asia in 2022.