CTO from Telkomsat Becomes Speaker in Focus Group Discussion with BRIN

  • November 30, 2021
Bandung - CTO of Telkomsat Anggoro Kurnianto Widiawan, became a speaker in the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) organized by the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), on November 19, 2021.

This event took place in Bandung and discussed the development of a fast, easy, secure and popular data presentation system, remote sensing (SPACEMAP). This event is also a place to build an ecosystem in the field of remote sensing to build LAPAN as an incubator to support startups in Indonesia.

During the FGD, Anggoro had the opportunity to share insights related to maximizing economic value in Indonesia through satellite telecommunications. He started presentation by explaining the role of the Palapa A-1 Satellite in 1970, which succeeded in uniting islands that were not yet connected to telecommunications, to satellite travel in the 2000s which could play a role in the Indonesian economy.

Space technology and its application have proven to play an important role for people, prosperity, and regions in Indonesia, both for communication and for information services based on Geo Special. To continue to be able to take advantage of this space technology, Indonesia is expected to collaborate on initiatives or programs that support space, especially by making People to be Great Assets.

At the end of his presentation, he stated that Telkomsat is ready to bridge and accelerate efforts to optimize and transform data resources into real services in collaboration with Research Institutes and Academics. So that in the future Indonesia can build a satellite made by the Indonesian nation that can be proud of on the world stage, encourage the development of Indonesia's digital society and strengthen the role of Telkomsat as an enabler in the progress of the national digital economy.
